Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The First year.... October 2010

The days were a whirlwind having Dr's apt weekly or the Visiting Nurse. The girls were on weekly weight checks to make sure they were thriving, and they were. Even though they were barely over 4 lbs. they were doing great. They took to breastfeeding, and I loved the closeness of having the two nurse. Julia at this time started to not like belly time. I thought nothing of it. From what I read most babies didn't like it. Little did I know this was not the case. Because of their size and not having the car seat test in the hospital, where I could put the two of them were limited. The reason was their airways (even though we had no problems in the hospital). We were told not to "sit" them anywhere. They had be on their backs or supervised belly time. Any infant under 5 lbs, the hospital would not do the car seat test (where they sit them in a car seat for an hour with a pulsox (a machine that measures oxygen in the blood stream on a finger, ear or toe) to make sure they have the neck strength to keep their airway open) We had to follow this until their due date of Oct 29th and also have get the OK from the Drs. At that time we would be able to put them in regular infant car seats.

Halloween came and our two little ones were giraffes... the outfits we so big.

We also had little sleepers. Their is a story behind the sleepers. Our second pregnancy happened in January 2009 We went to "Tuesday Morning" and bought little shirts and Teddy bears to give to Tom's parents and Bib(s) to give to my parents. (My brother and sister in law just announced they were expecting, so these two babies would be weeks apart my SIL was due at the end of Aug and would have been due Sept 18th) Well while at Tuesday Morning they had a sleeper that said "My first Halloween" So we got it. We lost that pregnancy to miscarriage, due to trisomy 22.

When we found out we were having twins... I knew my two little pumpkins NEEDED to have the same sleeper... So I started to stalk eBay... and...

I found the matching sleeper!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Last Year....... September 2010 Chapter 1

So I was told I have to update my blog, But they understood since I had two excuses :)

I will start from about Aug 24th, 2010. That was the last shift I worked at the hospital. I went in for my weekly nonstress test on the 28th after working my shift at 730 am and was contracting. I was told to take it easy, drink lots of water. On my next appt I was still contracting, I was lucky enough to continue to call into work and get low work days and/or find some one who was looking for hours to take mine. (If I went out any earlier I would have lost my job) I was pulled from working on Sept 6th. A week before I would deliver. I went in for my normal non stress... and again was contracting. So the words were said "Your out of work". Even though I hadn't worked in 2 weeks.

Morning of Sept 14th, 2010 My mom came up so we could try to get a little more stuff done. (Since my due date is still 7 weeks away) No crib was built, Most of the room was in shambles, and I wanted to get to Rice's (I had gotten a new phone and wanted a cover) So we parked right behind the phone guy, I got my cover and we left. The rest of the day was spent drinking water and sitting on my butt.

At 900pm I was on the phone with a friend, Tom was putting together the one crib. I went to the bathroom (Like the up-teen million times that day since I was drinking water like a fish).... And my water broke. I hung up the phone, called for Tom, called the Dr, Tom called the Parents... and to hospital we went. We were in the room by 930pm. Dr D came in and I was 1cm 90% effaced. He gave me a steroid shot (for the girls lungs) and hung an antibiotic since my water broke outside the hospital. He also started me on Magnesium Sulfate to try to stop or at least slow down labor. (to try to get at least a second steroid shot for their lungs). The parents got to the hospital at about 10ish, by 1030 I was contracting a little more, I was told to call if that happened. Dr D came back in at about 1045, I was 3cm dilated. With that the Mag was turned off, since it wasn't helping. The babies would be coming tonight. Dr D asked it I still wanted to deliver Natural with no meds. I said yes and was very excited about this!! (I had asked before and he was NOT on board with it) We had compromised that when I hit 7cm I would get the epidural. Since I did not want to labor with the epidural. (The epidural would only be if I needed a c-section or if Dr D would have to manually turn one twin at that point). Labor started to become fast and furious.... Contractions were every minute lasting for about 55 sec. I had very little time to catch my breath At about 1145 the nurse came in and was trying to push an epidural. I said no. She said well at least let me check you. So she checked, and said I better call Dr D. you are about 8.... Well she had not even walked out of the room.... and I had to push. I got on the call bell. I think every nurse came running in. (I am still in a regular room at this time, I have to deliver in the C-Section suite, all twin births do-regardless if you deliver with out a section) So I had wires being riped off me, the bed being pushed down the hall, Tom being rushed into the changing room to get scrubs on. By about 1210am Dr D was in the room. They had to call the anesthesiologist in case I did need to have a C-section I would have to be put under and intubated. (The chance we took by trying to go natural) So at about 1215-1220 it was time to start pushing. Julia our baby A was born on Sept 15th at 1239am weighing 4lbs 7oz, Jillian, Baby B was born at 1246am weighing 4lbs 14oz. They were small, but perfect! Tom got to hold both his girls, they didn't require any oxygen, they did start an IV on them and inserted a feeding tube. Below is their first pictures, Jillian is on the Left and Julia is on the right.

The Girls would spend the next week in the NICU, because they were jaundice. Julia is now on the Left and Jillian is on the right. They both pulled out the IV's and feeding tubes within 12 hours of them putting them in. They never had to have feeding through the tube, since they took to nursing and the bottle.

Our First Picture together with the girls.

Sept 22, 2010 Our girls came home together. When I had them early, I really thought they would have spent more time in the NICU. I was so thankful, and surprised when they told us on Monday that it would only be a few days, before they would be comming home. We were no where done the Nursery, but we knew they would stay in our room for a while. We did have a problem with the care beds. The hospital only had one. The hospital called all around trying to find a second one for us to buy. No other hospital would sell us one. I put a call out on facebook. And a friend was able to get us one to borrow from a local hospital, to bring the girls home together.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

I had to repost this...

Happy Mothers Day
Happy Mothers Day to All the Mothers... of either Earth Angels or Angel Babies... May you be surrounded by the Love of your Angels.. Earth or Heaven.The following poem is for the Mothers of Angel Babies... They are mommies even if they don't have their babies to hold. HUGS to all of you...

I thought of you and closed my eyes, And prayed to God today. I asked what makes a Mother, And I know I heard him say: A mother has a baby, This we know is true. But, God, can you be a mother, When your baby's not with you? Yes, you can he replied, With confidence in his voice. I give many women babies, When they leave is not their choice. Some I send for a lifetime, And others for a day. And some I send to feel your womb, But there's no need to stay. I just don't understand this God, I want my baby here. He took a breath and cleared his throat, And then I saw a tear. I wish that I could show you, What your child is doing today, If you could see your child smile, With other children who say: We go to earth and learn our lessons, Of love and life and fear. My mommy loved me oh so much, I got to come straight here. I feel so lucky to have a mom, Who had so much love for me. I learned my lessons very quickly, My mommy set me free. I miss my mommy oh so much, But I visit her each day. When she goes to sleep, On her pillow's where I lay. I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek, And whisper in her ear. "Mommy don't be sad today, I'm your baby and I'm here." So you see my dear sweet one, Your children are Ok. Your babies are here in My home, They'll be at heavens gate for you. So now you see what makes a mother. It's the feeling in your heart. It's the love you had so much of, Right from the very start. Though some on earth may not realize you are a mother, until their time is done. They'll be up here with Me one day, And you'll know that you're the best one. Happy mothers day, because you are a mother and you always will be!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pink and Pink!

I know it has been a while since I updated.... So here is what has happened since my last post.

6/15/10, 200pm, we went in for our U/S....... and baby B showed the goods my little exhibitionist.. GIRL. baby A however... was the shy one.. Either not in the right position.. or hands and/or cord covering the "area". At this U/S the NT scan looked good.. This is the measurement behind the Neck. This is a "soft marker" for Downs Syndrome (DS) and Trisomy 18. Depending on the website,or study.. anything lower than 2.5 or 3... is low risk for both DS or Trisomy 18. Both babies measured 1.5, great measurement. At the U/S they also drew blood for the Integrated Screen. Another "soft marker" for Downs and Trisomy. (What is a soft marker? These are non-invasive tests that are done to get a % number for what the chances are of having a child with DS or Trisomy. The only 100% of yes or no is to have an Amino.. which with twins it is a greater chance of Miscarriage for one of both babies... so even if any of the "soft Markers" came back... we would say no to the Amnio) We did however have a "Soft Marker" on the U/S... Baby A has something called an Intercardiac Echogenic Foci.. (IEF) This is a calcium deposit in the Left Ventricle of the heart. Again depending on the study or medical website.. it can affect up to 10% of all pregnancies. But this is a "soft marker" and does raise my risks for DS or Trisomy by 1%.

600pm, Went to the Drs that same day... The PA, never mentioned the IEF, But said everything looks good.

7/13/10, 200pm, Second U/S....... Baby B still Girl!! Baby A... still not showing... The blood work the Integrated screen... NORMAL! The IEF.. still there for baby A (This can take up until the child is 5 years old to disappear.. so the fact that it is still there. No Big Surprise) Both babies are still looking good.. Baby A was 1 lb 9 oz. Baby B is 1 lb 13oz.

Again went to the Drs Same day Dr D. Was the one to do the Check up.. Asked about our scan and the weights, Said everything looked good... and got a look at Baby A... Looks like GIRL!.. So two little girls it is! PINK AND PURPLE.. it is! My Vitals look GREAT! B/P was 104/68, weight gain is under 20lbs, No swelling, and I feel pretty good!

The bad news... Dr D wants to take me out of work at 28wks... That is insane!!! As I sit typing this.. I am 26wks. I can not go out that early. I told him I will continue to work as long as my vitals look good, no swelling, no protein in the urine, and it is safe for me and my babies.. SAFE is the key word. Most Drs consider 36wks full term for twins.... that is less than 10 wks.. So as long as I can work... let me work so I can spend that extra time with my babies!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pink-Blue- or Purple?

This time tomorrow I will be getting ready to leave for my u/s. I will be about 17 wks. They should be able to see what we will be having. I am feeling them both move... the baby on the left more so than the baby on the right. I know it is how they are laying.. or is it that one is just more hyper... hummmm They both still have strong heart beats.. we listen to them almost every day. It is just a little thing to help keep our minds at ease.

So the question of the day for tomorrow is PINK? BLUE? PURPLE? Stay tuned!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to All the Mothers... of either Earth Angels or Angel Babies... May you be surrounded by the Love of your Angels.. Earth or Heaven.
The following poem is for the Mothers of Angel Babies... They are mommies even if they don't have their babies to hold. HUGS to all of you...

I thought of you and closed my eyes, And prayed to God today. I asked what makes a Mother, And I know I heard him say: A mother has a baby, This we know is true. But, God, can you be a mother, When your baby's not with you? Yes, you can he replied, With confidence in his voice. I give many women babies, When they leave is not their choice. Some I send for a lifetime, And others for a day. And some I send to feel your womb, But there's no need to stay. I just don't understand this God, I want my baby here. He took a breath and cleared his throat, And then I saw a tear. I wish that I could show you, What your child is doing today, If you could see your child smile, With other children who say: We go to earth and learn our lessons, Of love and life and fear. My mommy loved me oh so much, I got to come straight here. I feel so lucky to have a mom, Who had so much love for me. I learned my lessons very quickly, My mommy set me free. I miss my mommy oh so much, But I visit her each day. When she goes to sleep, On her pillow's where I lay. I stroke her hair and kiss her cheek, And whisper in her ear. "Mommy don't be sad today, I'm your baby and I'm here." So you see my dear sweet one, Your children are Ok. Your babies are here in My home, They'll be at heavens gate for you. So now you see what makes a mother. It's the feeling in your heart. It's the love you had so much of, Right from the very start. Though some on earth may not realize you are a mother, until their time is done. They'll be up here with Me one day, And you'll know that you're the best one. Happy mothers day, because you are a mother and you always will be!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Now in my Second Trimester!!!!!! I went for my check up on April 23, My OB got a new toy.... a 3D/4D U/S.... He was only able to get a 4D picture of Baby B. The Placenta was in the was for Baby A. But He did print out two pictures of Baby A....