Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The First year.... October 2010

The days were a whirlwind having Dr's apt weekly or the Visiting Nurse. The girls were on weekly weight checks to make sure they were thriving, and they were. Even though they were barely over 4 lbs. they were doing great. They took to breastfeeding, and I loved the closeness of having the two nurse. Julia at this time started to not like belly time. I thought nothing of it. From what I read most babies didn't like it. Little did I know this was not the case. Because of their size and not having the car seat test in the hospital, where I could put the two of them were limited. The reason was their airways (even though we had no problems in the hospital). We were told not to "sit" them anywhere. They had be on their backs or supervised belly time. Any infant under 5 lbs, the hospital would not do the car seat test (where they sit them in a car seat for an hour with a pulsox (a machine that measures oxygen in the blood stream on a finger, ear or toe) to make sure they have the neck strength to keep their airway open) We had to follow this until their due date of Oct 29th and also have get the OK from the Drs. At that time we would be able to put them in regular infant car seats.

Halloween came and our two little ones were giraffes... the outfits we so big.

We also had little sleepers. Their is a story behind the sleepers. Our second pregnancy happened in January 2009 We went to "Tuesday Morning" and bought little shirts and Teddy bears to give to Tom's parents and Bib(s) to give to my parents. (My brother and sister in law just announced they were expecting, so these two babies would be weeks apart my SIL was due at the end of Aug and would have been due Sept 18th) Well while at Tuesday Morning they had a sleeper that said "My first Halloween" So we got it. We lost that pregnancy to miscarriage, due to trisomy 22.

When we found out we were having twins... I knew my two little pumpkins NEEDED to have the same sleeper... So I started to stalk eBay... and...

I found the matching sleeper!

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