Thursday, January 21, 2010

Urban Ledgends.....

I had to laugh tonight, my son and some friends went looking for a how did they put it... ah this will not be politically correct so I warn you.... a colony of Albino's... Yes I really did just say a colony of Albino's... Now don't get me wrong.. when I was 18 we went looking for the Red & Green Ghost this was in a corn field and you would see the red fog chase and over take the green fog, it was said a farmer killed his son or the Satanic Church that rumored if you came across them they would chase you off the "grounds"... Or how about the "Baby Bridge" said that back in the 1800's a run away horse knocked the mother and baby into the water and if sit on bridge in silence you can hear the baby crying.... or the ever famous Gravity Hill where you park your car in neutral it will roll backwards up the hill...... But the Colony of Albino's take the prize.

Ahhh only to be 18 again, chasing those urban ledgends!!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Did you see this??

Put this as your status if you or somebody you know has suffered BABY LOSS. ♥♥♥ The majority won't put it on, because unlike cancer, baby loss is a taboo. ♥♥♥ Break the silence. ♥♥♥ In Memory of all the ~Angel~ babies gone too soon but never forgotten about!!!

Why is it than... people just can't re post the whole thing??? And they had to change it??
Like below???

♥♥♥ in memory of the angels that my family and friends have lost but will never forget.

So they take out the part that was meant for the most recognition? The part that shows... You support me and the other women in this world ??? That right it is taboo... People do not acknowledge that people like me.. have lost pregnancies.. I lost three babies.. They will post all about Cancer.. But they couldn't just post this whole little saying? Why?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A year down

Yesterday was Jan 2nd 2010... a year ago I got a BFP... (Big Fat Positive) on my HPT (Home Pregnancy test)..... Only to m/c (miscarriage) that baby.... on Friday New Years day... I met my Dr to have my CD12 (Cycle Day 12) U/S (Ultra Sound)... I walk in at 8am... after I worked all night.. and just to make small talk.. any babies last night? He said no.. I didn't get out of here till 8pm... I said Awwe... he put me in the room.. turned to me and said... it is only cute for everyone else to have their babies on Christmas Eve/Day and New Years Eve/Day, Not to my family" and shut the door... I sat their for a min.. and was like.. hum, I guess I will try not to get pregnant just so you can have time with your family... YOU DICK! He than came back in and and did the U/S I had one "perfect Follie" as he put it..(This is my second cycle of clomid... last month I had to Follies.. and got a BFN.... look above.. if P mean Positive.... You got it N means Negative!) than he asked me what plans I have for today.. I said I will be going home to sleep... since I spent my New Years working since 630 last night.... TOUCHE' My 12 1/3 hour shift trumps your "I was here till 8pm".. You know Doc.. isn't that part of being a doc??? That's why you get paid the big bucks... so suck it cupcake... put your big boy pants on... and deal with it.