Wednesday, February 3, 2010


You might look at the 2ww.. and ask what is that?? That means 2 week wait... In the TTC (see below) world we have many acronyms (see list)... We have two, 2ww.. the first 2ww.. is to O, the the second 2ww is to test......

AF - "Aunt Flow" or that time of the month
CD - cycle day
m/c - miscarriage
MA - medical assistance
O - ovulate, ovulation, ovulated
pg - pregnant, pregnancy
RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist or Fertility Specialist
TTC - trying to conceive
u/s - ultrasound
FF-Fertility Friend
CH- Cross Hairs
DPO- Days past Ovulation
BFP-Big Fat Positive

So here I sit in the 2ww to test... I final got my CH (this means my temps have signaled that I have O on FF). I have started the progesterone yet again... Since this is now my third cycle of Clomid.. You should take the progesterone.. since the Clomid can "break down" the lining of the uterus, So the progesterone.. will help keep that from happening.. and also.. if my m/c are from any progesterone deficiency.. that will take care of that... (That down sides of progesterone, the side effects are that of early pregnancy)... Now last month.. I had NO early pregnancy symptoms.. We will see what this cycle brings.. Since I am now 3dpo. I will start testing in 6 days.. since if I don't get a BFP, I have to stop the supplements to bring on AF. If I do get a BFP... that would mean I am Pg.

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