Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blood Results....

I knew their was a problem... With out getting into to much TMI info ... My body is not doing what it is supposed to do. SURPRISE.... Over the last 11 months my body has done nothing right. Why would I think this would be any different? I went in for blood work yesterday since I knew my levels were not dropping like they should. On Friday my HCG numbers (these are the numbers that make a pregnancy test +) In a healthy pregnancy these numbers should double every 24 hours. My numbers failed to double... when this happens miscarriage is most likely eminent. On Monday Aug 31 they were 91... had tripled in two days when I had my blood drawn on Friday they were 31... So all was well. When I went back Friday... they had only risen 2 points to 93. Hoping my body would do this naturally... this past week not much happened... not enough (I knew), I got the call today... I am only down to 56. They will give my body one more week. I have to go back for more blood work next week. If they are not down dramatically I will be scheduled for yet another d/c. Well I guess I should be glad they didn't want to do the d/c this Friday... How horrible would that be... My due date for my second loss and a d/c for my third loss.

It is so hard to look back at July 14th my first due date..... September 18th my second due date and now May 10th... What would have been my birthday baby. Gone are these dreams.. Gone.

1 comment:

  1. I really hope everything drops like it's supposed to. I am here for you if you need me (although you know that already).
